corns treatment in the San Juan, 00924, Puerto Rico area

Corns are hardened bumps of skin that can appear on your feet. You may get corns in response to friction from your shoes rubbing against an area of skin, being on your feet for prolonged periods of time, walking barefoot, or as a consequence of structural or biomechanical deformities in your feet. Corns get their name from their physical appearance, which is similar to a corn kernel. Much like a corn kernel, a foot corn is rough, yellowish, and bumpy.

Corns usually develop between or on top of the toes, on the sides of the feet, or on the soles of the feet. Corns that form between the toes are often softer than those that form elsewhere on the foot. They can be sensitive to the touch and cause pain or discomfort when you wear your shoes, walk, or stand.

Corns may or may not cause pain or discomfort. Often, home treatments like soaking the feet and applying moisturizer can soften the corn. However, you should see a podiatrist if home treatments are ineffective,  you want to remove a corn, or if you have other medical conditions like diabetes which can impair healing and increase your risk of infection.

Corns (FAQs)

What are foot corns?
Corns are small, hard, raised lumps of skin that can appear on the feet in response to friction and pressure. They are called corns due to their resemblance to a corn kernel. Corns can be soft or hard. Soft corns usually develop between the toes and have a rubbery texture. Hard corns usually form on the tops of toes and are more dry and dense.
Are foot corns painful?
Corns can be painful, especially when pressure is applied to them. Pressure exerted on corns while walking, standing, or simply wearing shoes and going about your daily activities can cause pain or discomfort. The corns may also become red and inflamed.
What are the treatments for foot corns?
Soaking the feet in warm water, buffing away hardened skin with a wet pumice stone, and applying a moisturizer may help relieve symptoms. Wearing wider, open-toes shoes and using adhesive corn pads can take pressure off of the corns.
Can a corn go away on its own?
It is possible for corns to go away on their own if you take care to avoid putting too much pressure on them. Nevertheless, it is suggested that you seek the care of a podiatrist who can provide you with the most appropriate treatments for you, especially if your corns are severely painful or chronic. You should also see a podiatrist for treatment if you have diabetes, as diabetics are at an increased risk of developing complications from corns.